giovedì 3 marzo 2011

Leave Justin ALONE..

While I was browsing tumblr instead of studying (naturally) I came across a blog post that went somewhat along the lines of 'its not his fault he's rich and famous.. let the poor guy go on a date for his birthday, he looks like he's about to cry' and so on.. And all I could think of was the Leave Britney Alone video my friend showed me a while ago. If you're unfamiliar:

(I apologise for the bad language..)

Anyways, I guess it must suck to be stalked by paparazzi and harassed by annoying fans, but that's what comes with the territory.. 

The thief and the cobblers have some very very exciting news!!! We've been asked to do an advert for a conference thing in England for some friends of ours! We're so so excited, and looking forward to getting some ideas together this weekend!!! 

I found this photo on tumblr that I loved, and it kind of describes how I'm feeling lately... Life can be so overwhelming!
That's all at the moment..
If you thought February was a productive month here at TT&TC wait until you see what we've got planned for March..
You stay classy San Diego...

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