As we all know, 3 heads are better than 1. So that's mostly the logic behind this website. Also because we've all tried to blog separately, and we can't get it right. (Especially Ale..) SO we figured we should join forces.
Basically we're Three Sisters (see: the Russian Play (Три сeстры) or the place in SA ..both non-related..) from South Africa, living in Milan, Italy. We're working together to create a marvelous conglomeration of memories and other cool things that we may spontaneously decide to shove on here.
Feel free to call us the Brontë sisters.. :D
If you're wondering why the thief and the cobblers, good question.. It's a funny story actually.. We'd love to tell you!
Ask us at:
Leave a comment.. Make yourself at home.
Nuestra casa es tu casa or however it goes.
Ale, Dim and Mil