domenica 30 gennaio 2011

rock paper scissors lizard spock

"scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard posions spock, spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves spock, spock vaporizes rock, and as it always has rock crushes scissors"

sabato 29 gennaio 2011

the snow

it didn't come this year.

giovedì 27 gennaio 2011

Infinite Limits.

So, I'm currently studying for another maths exam, that I absolutely HAVE TO pass! And I've been studying limits, rational functions, non zero over zero, all that fun stuff that I hold so very close to my heart, and I got stuck on this one. It looked really simple, it was just a normal exponential function, but I somehow could NOT get the right answer. I literally spent like an HOUR looking at different ways to do it (it was even too simple to use L'hospital's rule!!!).. EVENTUALLY I realise that 1/4^infinity is equal to 0!!! Who would've thought!!!!!!

Now to study continuity, derivatives, Taylor & Mclaurin..The works.

We made more brownies...

We made brownies again tonight, and we want to show you a few pictures!! (Even though they're stolen from our old tumblr..) They turned out well!

So yeah they were good (very chewy and soft and warm, perfect with a glass of milk)

martedì 25 gennaio 2011

Shut up & let me see your jazz hands

'Reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn't want to live there'
owl city

'Do you ever feel, like a plastic bag?'
Not really, Katy

''I didn't have breakfast, woke up at 11 o' clock, sat around watching tv, then had some chicken nuggets, slept for two hours, then went back and got some more nuggets.

Usain Bolt.. Now THAT's more like it!!

love ale

sabato 22 gennaio 2011

random things.

More random things!!! (see all of them here.)

ale's gone for the day, so the blogging's up to us for the day whilst she's gone!

giovedì 20 gennaio 2011

i was searching youtube a while back... and I somehow came across this:

Dim and Mil...??

If you're wondering where they are, why they haven't been posting, and if the thief and the cobblers has lost two thirds of it's admin...

They're VERY busy and VERY tired. They've been writing tests and doing spoken exams like crazy people...

They'll be back!!!!

Tips for a rainy day

Seeing as everyday life is SERIOUSLY getting me down, I try my very best to stay positive.

1.) By looking at very inspiring art. I like to put myself in the artist's shoes. What made them come up with this idea? Was it an accident? Or was it calculated, formulated, and hard earned? The best part is they're practically unanswerable questions. Which allows me to think and consider. (And takes my mind of the stuff thats bugging me..

all taken from: Boyobsolete at etsy

2.) Thinking about huge concepts. Like when the earth was formed, how it looked when one second there was complete darkness, and the next there was light. It's a huge concept. It's so big, it makes any possible reason for you may have for panicking or worrying feel small and ridiculously insignificant!
If it's worse than just a normal case of worrying, I think about God, and how he has a plan for me. It helps me to realise that even though the small details of life frustrate me, there's a bigger plan. Over and above that, it reminds me that even though I'm a control freak galore, at the end of the day, I have no control and I never will.

3.) If possible I try to face the problem head on. Usually I can tell what's bugging me by thinking of different things going on in my life, and when I get a nervous, sick feeling in my stomach, that's it. If it's something I can sort out, I do. If I can't I...

4.) Do something that makes me relax. Watching glee, starting a knitting project, talking to some of the fantastic people in my life, and generally try to get things into perspective!

What do you do??

martedì 18 gennaio 2011

Some birthday giffz like yeah!


DIM & MIL (the brains behind this blog)
are celebrating their BIRTHDAY today!!!

Happy happy happy birthday twins. I know that the past few years haven't been easy, and you've given up a lot to be here, but you must know I am REALLY proud of you!!!! And so so so thankful to have the most AWESOME sisters in the world! I know you guys are going to do amazing things, both of you, individually, and I can't wait to see the cool hipsters you guys turn out to be!

You know, even though you probably don't realise this, I definitely wouldn't still be here persevering if it weren't for you guys. And I'm not just saying it to be sweet or because it's your birthday. You guys made me laugh when I wanted to cry, pep talked me before my exams, and have helped me with every blog initiative I started! Most appreciated :)

Thank you so much for the wonderful people you are everyday. I hope that one day I'll be able to do something in return for you!!!!!

I'm SO proud of you! Things are going to start getting easier... I promise!!!
Lots and lots and lots of love

domenica 16 gennaio 2011


I absolutely love shoes. Here are a couple of shots I adore. All from a beautiful mess, same as the last post.

(her tights are awesome too!!)


I am addicted to this website, called a beautiful mess. The author Elsie, is so cool, and posts the best ideas and photos. Every time I look at her stuff, and her website, I feel immediately inspired. Her website, in some weird way, reminds me of where I want to be in a few years.

This turban is so weird, but SO cool! I could only dream of being able to pull something like that off!

She ALWAYS looks soo pretty! Even in VELVET!!!!!!!!

random things


lunedì 10 gennaio 2011

The Sartorialist.

Well, since my last post was about Vivian Maier, I was thinking my next should also be about another really amazing street photographer, that maybe you've already heard about. You can see his blog here, and you should definitely watch this video!

giovedì 6 gennaio 2011

"Please don't try and be someone else, you're wasting what God made you for"

(Unfortunately on tumblr it's basically IMPOSSIBLE to give people credit because everyone reblogged everyone. In this case, I linked the blog I got it off, it seems only fair...)




-Crimson skies, we hate goodbyes