domenica 1 maggio 2011

Another day another dollar

Today was really getting me down... I was tired and bored and annoyed with life.. So when my mom asked me to pop off to the shop to buy some lavazza coffee and pasta for tomorrow's lunch, I was really happy for an opportunity to get out of the house and get some fresh air... Not to mention drop off my Diana mini roll at the lab (yay! ! ! )

So mil tags along, and notices, as only a keen eyed photographer does, that the sky is just amazing! So we run inside, grab all the cameras we can find, and run out to get some pics... (Some convincing was necessary on Mil's part, because I have to admit, I initially wasn't loving the idea.) But in the end, we had loads of fun, got some rad pics, and ended up going out a second time, because dim was feeling left out since she was catching up on latin homework when we went the first time...

Anyways, in the end, I think the photos are cool and we had loads of fun!
I hope you like them too!

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